Saturday, December 10, 2011

Styles of blogging by people with life threatening illnesses

Ann Silberman's blog helped me to realise that there are many people talking about their illness on the web, and almost everyone has a different style.

Some people talk about what their illness means for them, some talk about how they cope with their situation others talk about experiences at different stages of treatment and so on. This puts together a rich mix of experiences and personal knowledge of what it means for anyone to be in the situation of living with a life threatening illness. For example, consider Ann Silberman's recent blog on Kevin MD:

I thought this was a good blog from someone who has obviously thought about the way people approach her and what that might mean for her and for others in a similar situation.

By reading through these blogs people in similar (does not have to be exactly the same) situations can:

  • Gain some reassurance that their situation is not totally different from experiences other people have had

  • Get ideas from other people regarding how to deal with specific day to day living situations

  • Be more prepared to deal with the health system which becomes an increasing part of day to day life for people with a life threatening illness

  • Come to realise that it is OK to talk about yourself and that this can be therapeutic and helpful to others

  • Obtain specific information that might help decision making around treatment options

  • come to realise, that even with a life threatening illness, life goes on.

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