Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jon Morrow

John Morrow is an associate editor at CopyBlogger. He has shown that, using techniques that he has helped to develop (and off the shelf), his disability has not been a barrier to success.

Jon Morrow accesses his computer using speech recognition software. He has produced a very good video on how to do this called speech recognition for bloggers. Using this technology he has produced some great blogs.

He blogs about his mother's fight to help him survive so that today he is one of the oldest people in the world with his condition. Not only is this a remarkable achievement, but he has recently moved to live, independently, in another country.

One of his blogs that I have found most interesting is his blog on how to be interesting! The best way to check out Jon's other blogs is to Google "Jon Morrow blog".

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shane Burcaw: Communication Hero

Shane used Tumblr for his blog, which he calls Laughingatmynightmare. He introduces himself  in his about me section. It is then important to read his first blog which puts his condition and reason for blogging into perspective. I think once anyone has read this posting they will realise Shane is no ordinary person. Shane's blogs can be cheeky, off beat which often makes the reader laugh - which is not surprising - as he has noted in a number of places that this is his intention. On the other hand he has written some pretty powerful pieces that provide insight into what it is like to live with his condition. Shane also makes good use of video to show some of the things he gets up to. For example, using a feeding tube and catching a baseball. Shane has a large following of people which, for me, is a sign of a successful blogger. He has tapped into contemporary social media, and disabled or not, has shown - and continues to show - how it can be used effectively to share one's day to day life. He has recently featured in the Daily.Dot, a newspaper for the Web (NEWSPAPER ARTICLE!).  He is also planning  to write a book.